Rumblings About Tummies
It's midnight on a Friday night and you and your partner are just heading to bed when all of a sudden, Max, your black lab, jumps up.....
He looks at you with a funny expression and you hear a strange rumbling sound coming from him. Next thing you know, Max has got a panicked look on his face as he bolts for the door! Oh NO!! Your partner cries, and bolts after him. You realize, this can't be good and bolt after them, everyone running for the door that leads outside. Max makes a bee-line for the grass and then things start happening from both ends! Poor Max!
If you have a dog, at one point or another you have been in this scenario, or one like it. What do you do when tummies are upset? Why, oh why does this always happen on a weekend or at night? Should you go to the emergency clinic? Is there something you can do from home? We are here to help. Read on!
Always call your vet if you can. Your vet knows your pet best and will know what questions to ask you to make sure they are going to be OK. But if your vet is not open, don't panic! Here are some helpful hints while you wait for those doors to open.
If your dog vomits - don't feed them in the first 12-18 hrs. They are feeling sick and it will likely just come up again. If they are seeming find otherwise, monitor for 24 hrs. If either not interested in eating or they cannot keep food down, you need to see the vet. Ensure plenty of water intake. If they can't keep water down, go to the vet - don't wait.
If your dog has diarrhea, you may also not want to feed. This can help to slow the diarrhea down and could help to shorten the course. As long as they are not lethargic and are still interested in food, active and happy, and there is no blood in the stool, you are able to wait to go to the vet. Try fasting for at least 12 hrs. Make sure they have lots of water available. When you restart food do it with small amounts. Using white rice and chicken or boiled ground beef is enticing and should not upset the stomach (unless your dog is allergic then talk to your vet about what to do). You can also add some canned pumpkin. The rice and canned pumpkin should help the stool to solidify faster. If diarrhea is watery, your dog is lethargic or the diarrhea goes on more than a few days or has blood in it, its off the vet you go!
In the end, it is always best to check with your veterinarian if you are worried. You know your pet better than anyone. If you are worried, likely we will be worried too.